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2 min read

The Power of Focus Fridays: How High Level Marketing Boosts Productivity and Well-Being

By Lauren Anderson

At High Level Marketing, we believe in creating an environment that fosters productivity, well-being, and job satisfaction. One of the key initiatives we've adopted to achieve this is our "Focus Fridays" program, which has become an integral part of our company culture.

What are Focus Fridays?

Focus Fridays are essentially "no internal meeting days." These dedicated days give our team members uninterrupted time to concentrate on their tasks, free from the usual barrage of meetings and distractions. This initiative helps our employees dive deep into their work, whether it’s tackling complex projects, brainstorming innovative ideas, or simply catching up on tasks that require undivided attention.

Why Focus Fridays Matter

The concept of Focus Fridays is rooted in the understanding that constant interruptions can significantly hinder productivity and creativity. By eliminating internal meetings every other Friday, we provide our team with the opportunity to achieve a state of flow, where they can work more efficiently and effectively.

Research supports the benefits of such dedicated focus time. Studies have shown that uninterrupted work periods can lead to higher levels of productivity, improved job satisfaction, and better mental health. At HLM, we’ve seen these benefits firsthand. Our pilot program in the last few months of 2022 revealed substantial improvements in both morale and output across our teams.

The Success of Our Pilot Program

During the pilot phase of Focus Fridays, we received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our team members. They reported feeling more accomplished and less stressed, as they were able to complete their work without the usual interruptions. This success has led us to make Focus Fridays a permanent fixture on our calendars. 

Encouraging Other Companies to Adopt Focus Days

We encourage other companies to consider implementing their own version of Focus Fridays. The benefits extend beyond just increased productivity. Providing employees with uninterrupted work time shows that you value their need for focus and respect their time. This, in turn, can lead to higher employee satisfaction and retention.

Extra Productivity, Less Stress, AND a Moment for Fun?

Below are just some examples of how HLMers (and their pets, decor, and action figures), are expressing their appreciation of Focus Fridays...

We have our best canine on the job. He's a good boy.

A rare sighting of a meeting-free website designer in her natural habitat

"Now I have to wash all these cups. I really just need a caffeine IV..."

"I'm too focused right now to express how focused I am...

You'd do well to never interrupt their focus. Never.

"Huh?! What?? Sorry, I was just so focused! Squirrel!"

"...and they focused so much, that eventually, they turned to stone. The end."

Wonder Woman - putting an end to Focus Friday meetings everywhere since 1941.


Author: Lauren Anderson

Vice President of Workforce Development in Administration

As HLM's Workforce Development leader, Lauren Anderson is dedicated to optimizing "people operations." With nearly 15 years at HLM, Lauren has taken on multiple roles, giving her a well-rounded perspective on the company. She is committed to fostering a work environment where people thrive, processes improve, and innovative solutions drive success. When not at work, Lauren loves to spend quality time with her husband and two sons, exercise, and travel to new destinations.

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