By Ryan Files
Jan 23, 2024 6:52:37 AM

Leverage Your New Hire To Grow Your Spa
2024 is here - new year, new you, right? Maybe as a Spa owner, you’ve even hired a new Esthetician to start the year off right. Did that new hire expand the services you provide? Great! Are you marketing those new services effectively, so that new customers find you online, allowing you to grow your Spa? Answer our quiz questions below to find out.
Is your new Esthetician featured on your website?
For many new clients & patients, their first impression of your spa will be via your website. Nothing helps make a spa feel more personable and inviting online than by providing website visitors a chance to see and learn about the individuals they'll be meeting in real life. Building trust with new patients begins when they visit your website and learn about the professionalism and credentials of your team members.
Is your new Esthetician featured on your website?
Yep! Along with a beautiful, smiling headshot, a biographical paragraph, and listed specialities and experience
Yes, but it’s just a simple headshot and the name of the Esthetician
I think we listed our Esthetician’s name somewhere on our website…
Our new Esthetician is nowhere to be found on our website
Do you have dedicated website pages for each new service?
With new services comes the need for new website pages. Having dedicated pages for each new service gives you space for written content, imagery, related testimonials, service-related FAQs, and more. These pages help you appear online more often when people search for these services you now provide.
Do you have dedicated website pages for each new service?
Absolutely! We have robust pages for each new service, with tons of useful, inviting, and attractive content
We have a couple pages for our new services, but they could have more content
We've just listed our new services on our main services page
What are service pages again? Are they important?
Are you blogging about your new services?
The creation of new, helpful content on a consistent basis surrounding the services you provide is important for increasing online visibility. Doubly-important will be the creation of content around your new services, to help kickstart your rankings for when people search for those services.
Are you blogging about your new services?
We are - and not just once! We have a strategy for incorporating blog topics around new services into our normal blog schedule.
We have written a blog or two already about our new services.
We plan on writting one quick blog about our new services.
Blog? Blogging? What's that? Sounds Swedish.
Have you updated your Google Business Profile?
Your Google Business Profile (that box on Google where people leave you reviews), can list all the services you provide, feature current specials, showcase news and posts, and more. Having details about your new services on your GBP can help you gain new patients and clients.
Have you updated your Google Business Profile?
We have! We've listed and written about our services, offered limited-time specials, and are creating regular GBP posts.
We've listed our new services and written about each one, but haven't done anything else.
We listed our new services, but haven't written descriptions or anything else
We didn't even know updating our Google Business Profile was a thing!
Have you emailed about your new services?
Establishing new services is obviously step one. Step two is getting the word out. Make sure you're keeping up with regular email communications to your existing and prospective patients & clients in general, and specifically, make sure you're informing them about the new services that your spa now provides.
Have you emailed about your new services?
Of course! Not only have we emailed specifically about our new services, but we've incorporated those into our email newsletter strategy.
Yes, we've emailed our entire email list about our new services, and plan on doing so again sometime
We haven't yet, but it's on our to-do list!
We don't email anyone ever... should we be?
Have you posted about your new services?
Another excellent (and probably obvious) method to build awareness around new services is to post about them on social media channels. Consistent messaging around all the services you provide is important to remain top-of-mind with existing and prospective patients & clients. Here's a tip: posting video content featuring services performed in real-time can be especially impactful content.
Have you posted about your new services?
We're on it - we've incorporated posting about our new services into our overall social media strategy, and are posting a wide variety of content.
Yes, we've made some initial posts and plan on somehow incorporating these new services in future posts
We made an initial post once about our new services
We don't use social media too much. Could that help?
Have you informed your marketing agency or in-house team about new services?
Sometimes a spa will make business changes and forget to mention them to their marketing agency, or fail to create a plan for incorporating new business changes into in-house marketing efforts. To market as effectively as possible, its a good idea to mention all business changes to your marketing agency or in-house team, even if you don't think they're especially significant.
Have you informed your marketing agency or in-house team about new services?
Yes - we had meetings specifically with our marketing agency and in-house resources, and have incorporated changes into our marketing roadmap.
Yes, we mentioned these changes on a recent meeting, and are thinking about ways to incorporate our new services and business changes
We haven't yet, but plan to soon. One day. Maybe.
Hmm, maybe we should get one of those marketing agencies or in-house teams...
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Author: Ryan Files
Senior Digital Marketing Consultant
With years of experience as a Digital Marketing Consultant and a focus on the Healthcare & Aesthetics industries, Ryan has helped hundreds of businesses create winning strategies that market and grow their practices and businesses effectively.
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